Question about Mappe

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Question about Mappe

Hello guys,

I am an international student, and those of you, who could give me an answer in English, would be so great!

I just had a few questions about Mappe..
Most of my works are drawings, sketches, and 3D works.. and I was wondering if I could make photographs of all of my works and send it to schools I will apply.

Or do the most of schools prefer to have the original works?
I just found that it would be hard to send the originals since there are 3D objects, and I thought organizing my works through photographs would be easier for the professors to understand my works..

If it is a bad idea, how else do you guys send your work? Piece by piece?
I am just really confused.. I wish I could make a computer file and send it through CD or something..
Please help!
Have a wonderful day everyone.

Beiträge: 1377

make photographs of your 3d works and print them, send the prints with the other pictures to your favourite school (s).
But if you have sketches and other works which are handmade and 2d it is important that you try to send the original ones.
To doublicate photographs and digital work is easy but the original drawings should still be the original ones when you send them.
Glue the papers on some (grey) cardboards and send your Mappe to the schools you will apply. In one piece, of course ;) If there is more than one application on the same day you will have to split your works, try not to copy your originals.
CDs will mostly not be observed in the test.

Oh, and if you live in germany for the time of the application it is possible to give them your Mappe personally, if you live too far away or dont have the money to travel it is, of course, absolutely okay to send it by post.

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The Enrichment Center is required to remind you that you will be baked. And then there will be cake.

Beiträge: 9
Hello All.. :)

I just had a few questions since I am trying to prepare my portfolios.

How do you gather all of your portfolio works in one book or how do you make it easier for the juries to look all of my works in one hand?
I have some drawings and also some 3D works. I guess I will have to photograph the 3D works and print them and attach on a sheet of paper.
Or is there any examples I can look at to get some idea how to prepare the works?
Please help.. I have no idea how to start making my pieces in one file or in a folder. Do you have any suggestion?
Bild des Benutzers Blacksmith
Beiträge: 3387

You are on the right way...
Make photos of your 3dimensional work, print and then fix them on light cardboard/thick paper.
Stack your works in a portfolio of cardboard or plastic.
Examples you can find in our "Mappen"-section:

More you con find in here:
You can use google-or-some-other-translation-tools:

Erste Schritte - hiermit fängt alles an.

Beiträge: 9
Thank you so much for your answer :D

So.. to send all the works together to the school I am applying, I should use a portfolio bag in order to put all of my works together in one bag right?

How do you make the portfolios in one piece?

Thank you!!
Bild des Benutzers Blacksmith
Beiträge: 3387
Yep, use something like this:
or/and this:

Erste Schritte - hiermit fängt alles an.

Beiträge: 3

It's common for schools to accept photographs of your work, especially for 3D pieces, as long as they are high-quality and clearly represent your creations. Many schools prefer digital portfolios, which can be submitted through online platforms or as files on a CD. You should check the specific application requirements of the schools you're applying to, as some may prefer originals or specific formats. Thank you.


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