Medien Mappe für UDK und KHM

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Medien Mappe für UDK und KHM

Ich komme aus Südkorea und bin 28 Jahre alt. Ich kann nicht gut Deutsch schreiben.

ich möchte im UDK und khm bewerben. Also ich habe eine Mappe gemacht.
Ich möchte Ihre Meinung weissen.

Ich interessiere mich für Licht und Raum.
Blacksmith's picture
Posts: 3382
Wenn du dich für Licht und Raum interessierst, warum nicht in Hildesheim bewerben?
Dort kann man u.a. auch Lichtdesign/Lighting Design studieren.

Erste Schritte - hiermit fängt alles an.

Posts: 1
Hey taejinjin,

first of all, your fotographs and vids are quite good in my opinion. (y)
If you asked me in addition to wha you have done so far, you might include some pictures that somehow transport a particular message you want to make the viewers familiar with or where you critizise what is shown on the fotographs you have taken.
You included many pics of fast moving cars on crowded motorways for instance which show how fast time runs in these days and traffic rules the world. Those are modern topics emany people (especially i the biggir cities) nowadays identify with and that represent the technical process and luxury in 21th century.
Also, you might want to add some typographical statements or abstract some of the fotographs a little here and there.

But Blacksmith got a point there; you indeed seem to be especially affected by light, and the interaction of brightness and the dark. There are severeal design majors in Germany that might fit your likings even better. How about do sth with fotography- to me, it looks like you have good eye for the right pivture detail - Technically tyours are well shot fotographs and most of them are nicely arranged by you too. The yellow thing on pic three for example where you serialised the motif and made it look like some kind of outzoom or sth like that for example.
Well, anyhow, those are pretty good pictures; everything looking very professionally to me - a little more variety in motifs and there you are! :D
So Keep going, I hope my statement helped you a little! ;-)
Posts: 1115
hast du in Südkorea schon Design studiert?
hast du dort einen abschluss gemacht?

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