Questions about Portfolio - Mainz and Wiesbaden

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Questions about Portfolio - Mainz and Wiesbaden

Hi guys.

I'm an international student but feel free to reply in German. I also apologise for the fact that I'm not yet confident enough to write in German myself :D

I am planning to apply for KD in the coming sommer semester and have a few question, would really appreciate it if you could help me out a bit.

Concidering the deadlines I'm gonna need to make two different portfolios. I thought a good way to reduce the hard work would be digital paintings. I'm no expert but I do have experiences with photoshop and Corel paint. Do these specific universities prefer analog or is it ok to include a few digital works? I will definitley show the process, sketches, layout, etc.

second question, my sketchbooks have too many pages. would it be ok to just rip out the sketches and studies that have to do with my illustrations and put them in the portfolio? to show how I studiued the subject(s), how do I come up with ideas, etc. also, is it ok to break the rules if I prove that I do KNOW them? like, not drawing a face like a face really looks like, but sending along sketches which show I KNOW how to draw a face. I just prefer a different style when illustrating.

Last question. is Zentangle an art? I do use zentangle designs every now and then, not PURE zentangle though. just as a part of the illustration. I find them relaxing and a very good practice for line work, but don't know if it would appropiate to include a piece or two.


Thank you very much.

Posts: 78

Hi Morrigan,
Da du Fragen zur Mappengestaltung hast, verschiebe ich deinen Thread in die Mappenberatung. dort finden ihn die Leute mit den guten Tipps schneller.

Auch ich bin nur Bewerberin. Darum überprüfe alles was ich sage ruhig nochmal. smiley
Was an den Hochschulen zulässig ist, findest du meißt auf der Hochschulseite. Einschränkungen und Vorlieben für die Mappe sind dort benannt. Hier auf Precore kannst du dir erfolgreiche Mappen anchauen. Ich habe dir KD Wiesbaden verlinkt, KD Mainz kannst du dann selbst raussuchen:

Es ist eine Gute Idee Skizzen und Entwürfe in die Mappe zu legen. Sind die Skizzenbücher nicht voll, oder hast du Angst, dass viele unterschiedliche Bilder zu vielfältig sind? Die Prüfenden finden Vielfalt im Skizzenbuch sicher auch interessant.
Natürlich kannst du auch die einzelnen Seiten rausreißen und neu binden oder zusammenklammern. Du kannst auch zwei oder drei Skizzenbücher beilegen oder eben ein sehr dickes....

Grundsätzlich ist es gut, wenn du in der Mappe mit verschiedenen Medien arbeitest. Ein paar digitale Arbeiten und auch Zentangle können eine Bereicherung sein.

Am besten zeigst du in der Mappe einerseits Beobachtungsgabe  (korrektes Abbilden des Motivs) und andererseits deine Eigene Fähigkeit zur kreativen Leistung. Das heißt du darfst von der Natur abweichen, besonders dann, wenn du die Proportionen bewusst brichst. Lies dir doch die Artikel zur Mappe mal durch:


Posts: 6


My sketchbooks are also full of everything I've heard the professors hate - failed attempts at water color (I'm just trying to get the hang of it)  drawings from photo references or imagination. they make me feel kind of vulnerable.

and thank you very much for your insightful points. Cant believe I hadn't checked those articles out - gonna read them asap :)

Blacksmith's picture
Posts: 3382

The function of a sketchbook is to experiment. It is a "safe place". It is just for you. If you want to show it to somebody, go for it. But don't even think about to rip out sides to hide something you made. Empty sides, ok. Rubbish, ok. But not for the reason to fit into the potentially taste of a school. (Which you don't even know...)

A sketchbook made for a "special taste" ruines the original purpose of it.

Only with your "weaker" works inside your sketchbook, a Prof can see your enhancement over the time you work on it.


Had to google "Zentangle" first... but:
Dont't put it in your portfolio, to show how nice "zentangles" you can draw. That might be noticed on the same level as elves,unicorns and roses - "Fantasy art". (Absolutly fine for sketchbook!)
But you can use it like a tool, a technicque, to work with and to support your idea.

Keep in mind what "KD", communication design, is used for.

Erste Schritte - hiermit fängt alles an.

Posts: 6

to be perfectly honest, I saw a thread about a rejected portfolio where you guys had mentioned that his/ her sketchbook doesn't look like a sketchbook. and it made me think.
but just to be sure, I'm updoading a few random pages of my recently finished sketchbook to give you an idea how it overly looks like and also my zentangle thingies - because like you said, I've been trying to use it as a tool. but if they still remind you of unicorns.. will totally forget it.

Posts: 78

My sketchbooks are also full of everything I've heard the professors hate - failed attempts at water color (I'm just trying to get the hang of it)  drawings from photo references or imagination. they make me feel kind of vulnerable.

 Darum geht es beim Skizzenbuch: Du gewährst den Professor*innen einen grundehrlichen Einblick, wie du arbeitest, wie du ausprobierst, dir neue Fähigkeiten erarbeitest, wie du experimentierst. Jeder Fehlschlag zeigt auch, dass du mutig experimentiert hast. Wenn es dann später klappt beweist es, dass du aktiv gelernt hast.
ein Skizzenbuch voll perfekter arbeiten - was soll man so jemandem noch beibringen? wie könnte sich so jemand noch verbessern? In Deutschland legen die meißten Unis Wert darauf zu sehen, wie dein Arbeitsprozess ist. Der Weg den du nimmst ist in der Mappe Wichtiger, als fertige Meisterwerke.

Posts: 354

to be perfectly honest, I saw a thread about a rejected portfolio where you guys had mentioned that his/ her sketchbook doesn't look like a sketchbook. and it made me think.

I guess you meant me. It is about knowing the difference between using a sketchbook or have the feeling you need to use a sketchbook  to succed or because the profs want to see a sketchbook. You can do what ever you want in a sketchbook, but you can see if the sketchbook is full because you fill it somehow or if you work with it as a piece of your creation and wayfinding. Then this adds personality and shows how you work. That's what I wanted to point out in the first place. Work with the sketchbook and don't just fill it, that is all.


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